After 2 hilarious sold out comedy shows at the Monkey Theatre, Crack Up Comedy is bringing the laughs again with headliner, movie star and NZ comedy legend, Cori Gonzales-Macuer. Irish comedian, Alan McElroy is back hosting after the successful Irish & Scottish night and they are joined by Keegan Govind from The Rock FM.
Cori Gonzales Macuer
7 Days regular and star of “What We Do In The Shadows”, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer has been performing his unique brand of self-deprecating, observational and deadpan comedy since 2003.
In that time he's won the Billy T James Award, appeared on film and television, and performed in Australia, America, England, Scotland, Singapore and as far as the Middle East and South America.
Since becoming a father recently, Cori's truly happy for the first time ever, but that doesn't mean he’s stopped disliking a lot of stuff. From NZ ‘Socialites’, to people who post inspirational quotes, to reality TV "stars", there's a lot of annoying people on this earth. Join him as he dissects the people he desperately hopes his daughter doesn't turn into.
Whether it's on the stage or screen, Cori's reluctance to accept a career in entertainment
is what has made him the performer he is today.